"Oh my ears and whiskers"

...How late it's getting! After a lovely weekend of singing, swimming, learning sudoku, snowshoeing alone in the hoarfrosted woods (forgot the camera), watching the gorgeous Winged Migration, and not writing a word of poetry, I'm facing an extremely busy week ahead. I'll be here, but expect fewer than usual posts this week...
I've never heard of Suduko, so checked out that link. Wow. That does look like a logic challenge. What do you think of it? I've always thought of poetry as a right-brained activity and a game like Suduko as left-brained. Is the game stimulating fun or confounding invention?
Good luck with your week.
RD, sudoku appeals to a side of me that I find satisfied by solving little puzzles. Initially, I thought it looked completely overwhelming, but my child explained some of the strategies involved which make it quite a methodical progression. There's a little thrill of satisfaction (victory?) I get when a step is completed, let alone the whole thing. (Of course, I have only done the easy levels.) As for poetry, I think I feel the same kind of thing when every word is in place. Otherwise, I don't think there's much parallel! Thanks for your good wish.
I'll miss you! I absolutely adore Winged Migration. My old roommate and I rented it as a joke one night when we were bored and ended up loving it. It's such a beautiful movie! I've never tried Sudoku but am very intriguied.
Frankie, I'll miss this, too. If you are interested, you can try some easy sudoku online. I find that guessing doesn't help and can actually screw things up. I start in the top left corner, and work across each square by square (through the 9 squares in the grid), finding what I can and then moving on. Then when I've gone through all the squares, I go back and go through it again. Each time you find more, it will provide further clues for some of the other squares. I'm no expert; I'm sure there's a faster strategy, but this is what I've got for the time being. Have fun!
People sit on the underground in London with whole books of sudoku puzzles, working their way through them, and I have been too intimidated to try it myself. You have made me feel that I could perhaps have a go.
Yes, we'll miss you, MB. Come back when you can. :-)
Mary, I actually find doing a puzzle printed on paper easier than online, for the simple fact that I can pencil in (very tiny) the possible numbers as I go, then when I go back I quickly see the options and can erase those that become evidently impossible. That speeds things up for me immensely, since I don't have the practiced recall that I suspect some of your fellow undergrounders develop. I have absolute confidence you could do it, Mary. Whether it's your cup of tea (or mine, over time) remains to be seen, of course! But you never know til you try.
A weekend of singing, sudoku and Winged Migration... I know it's not a poem, but it does rather fall together like found poetry! I do wish you could post a clip of your singing, though. That I would dearly love to hear... xo
Brenda, wonderful that you found the found poetry in it! As to the singing, when it's ready it will be here. Not too much longer, I hope. ;-)
She's right, your prose has a poetic flow to it.
Thanks for the Winged Migration link, it was incredible. we'll miss you but have a productive and good week.
I come to read when I need to get away. You already have a 'getaway', so I hope you enjoy it.
Twistednoggin, welcome! I'll come visit you.
RDL, the movie is amazing. Beautiful, beautiful images, and edited perfectly. I hope you get to see the whole thing. It's extraordinary.
Mermaid, I do. And when I can't get there, I miss it, too.
Sounds like you've been having fun
alergic to that number
I'm envious - i wish i were snowshoeing! We're down to our last few patches of snow here. It's like March.
Absorb it all! The poems will come later.
Hey, I'm a crossword fanatic! Iv'e never tried sudoku but I sure will now! Thanks for the inspiration.
I agree with Patry the poems will come. But...I'm sure you know that.
I also have a great appreciation for your sense of living the moment. I know from my own experience just how much a blessing that can be...and what a gift! Enjoy your weekend!
Sue, so the number 13 doesn't suit you, eh? Good for you, then, for making it into 14. Though I must say that the history of 13 is long and rich.
Dave, I know you've been very dry. The weather here has been unreliable, too. I had to drive up into the hills to get to snow. Years ago, there was a TV weatherman who used to use words like "uncertain" and "polite" to describe the weather. If we were to use words in that vein, what would you say it is - miffed?
Patry, thanks for your vote of confidence, and thanks for stopping by. I've been thinking of you and yours.
Lhombre, welcome! Thanks for visiting. I do know the poems will come, but it's a relatively recently acquired faith. A faith that grows from discipline, experience and passion, I suppose. But...I'm sure you know about those things, too! Thanks for your reminder about living in the moment: it's a great way for me to start this day.
Lhombre, having just read your previous post "Back to the Dance?" I understand more fully your reference to living in the moment. Yes, it is a gift, indeed. I'm also grateful for the introduction to Samuel Menashe. I'll be sure to look for his poetry.
Hey, that's great that you will look in on Menashe. He can be found with a search on the interenet. Whoops! Of course you know that!
It's really nice to be able to intoduce an artist that hasn't been read enough. Enjoy, and thanks again for stopping by.
Allow me to introduce another artist. I gather from your Bluebird profile image that you like birds. That along with the message you posted about your vacation.
She's a marvelous painter who recently has been painting birds. her web site is carolpylant.com.
Wonderful, thank you. I'll be sure to check out her work. A friend of yours?
Funny, my housemate was talking to herself over her first sudoku puzzle tonight. I haven't tried it yet. Too much to do right now! Anyway, sounds like you've been having fun. I've wanted to see the movie - I'll see if my local Blockbuster has it sometime.
Leslee, you've got big things on your agenda; save the sudoku for later. But do look for the movie!
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