Rumi on being human

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture,
Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
For some new delight.
— Rumi
Click on the photo to see a larger version.
Gorgeous photo, mb, and I really like this Rumi poem. Yes, when we awaken in the morning, we must first see who has arrived in our guest house. What a lovely, wild notion.
great photo, stark and beautiful.
and i like rumi's words.
mb, thank you! this is one my my favorite rumi poems! and the photo.... breathtakingly beautiful! i could just stare at if for hours! thank you, thank you!
I'd have to scroll pretty far back to find a photo that *wasn't* beautiful.
I've been leaning on Rumi lately -- never had read him before last month -- thank you for putting this one up.
The exact poem I needed to read right now. Thanks to you, MB, and of course, to Rumi!
Interesting thought. I like that!!
ditto pat's comment
love the shot too
Rumi (especially Coleman Barks' brilliant translations of) are a long-time fave of mine. No surprise, eh?
Here's hoping your guests have come, drinks and snacks piled high, to roll back the carpet and dance until the moon sets.
Love the way the moon's been framed by the fingers of twigs, BTW...
The stark bare tree arms hold the twilight of the sky ....
The moon and dark branches are beautiful... Rumi's reminder to welome the crowd of sorrows is a needed reminder today... I will welcome them but am watching for the new delight
Thank you thank you thank you for this!
Oh, that is too wonderful. Keep promising to pick up a good collection of Rumi one of these days. Thank you.
MB - you could make a lovely book of Rumi and MB photos!
I enjoyed the passage by Rumi, but I enjoyed your Fable of Dark Silence poems even more. The voice, tone, and image of those two pulled me in and struck my bones like tuning forks. I think your pictures are a fine adjunct to the poetry, as well.
Excuse me for not coming around as much as I once did. I would love to blog with the same vigor and constancy as I once did, but time constraints make this quite difficult. I still appreciate your work as much as ever, though. Thanks for keeping at it!
The branches encircling the tiny moon - what a lovely composition.
This poem means a lot to me; I actually carry it around with me. Delightful to find it here!
Ooh, I just love this photo--it's a perfect companion to the poem--very harmonious and spare, pastel colors and crabby branches, the whole image somehow soft and sensual...
and what a wonderful message in the poem, it helps me to live in and accept the present!
Robin Andrea, a "lovely, wild notion" it is!
Polona, thanks. I like the all-encompassing feel of his words.
Michelle, me too.
Snowsparkle, I'm glad you enjoyed both.
Charlie, those bare branches were just reaching out.
Richard, thanks. Rumi is one that can withstand a lot of leaning, I'd guess. Certainly does for me.
Patry, it was just what I needed to read, too!
Pat & Floots, thanks!
Lori, no surprise at all; they are one of my faves, too. I'll see if I can convince more of the houseguests to dance!
Corey, it was a sky worth reaching for.
Endment, I'll be watching for the new delight, too.
Mermaid, thanks for sharing it with me.
Leslee, like Lori, I like the Coleman Barks translations in particular.
Pauline, glad you enjoyed it!
Firehawk, thanks for stopping by, given how busy you are these days. I'm glad you enjoyed the poems and pictures!
Bitterroot, I'm glad to known that you appreciate this poem so much, too.
Firebird, thank you. It was a serendipitous view. I like the broad acceptance and hope of this poem.
I had not read this one, so am very glad you put it up.
It's one I was glad to find, too, Moira.
I love Rumi, no matter what he says, how he says it or about what...he is magnificent and I thank you for sharing his great works.
Absolutely wonderful!!! He gives great life lessons in eloquent poetry. Rumi is one of my favorites for a good reason :-) Thanks for posting it.
The thoughts expressed by Rumi are timeless. They leave us to ponder about the significance of simplicity, silence, of examples of miracles and pure love.
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