
I've been tagged by rdl to tell five "interesting or unique" things about me that you didn't know. Here goes:
1. These apples grew behind my house and some of them recently disappeared into a pie.
2. I have lived in eight states and three other countries.
3. I grew up without a TV in the house.
4. I have been known to buy things because they had a beautiful label.
5. I don't especially like talking on the phone, but I love to read aloud.
Oh, I forgot to tag anyone. Consider yourself tagged if you wish to be!
Good Morning - and happy morning after election day!
Now please tell us more about the states and other countries in which you lived and why you have moved so much. Were you part of a military family? :) pie!
Lovely apples! I had the same question pop into my head as Sky's - do tell!
Those apples look delicious. Your responses are very similar to me in ways and that last one is something I heartily agree with. I've never liked talking on phones.
Nice blog. I'll be checking back for more.
Nice place for apples to hide, as long as they get found.
I have been to 8 States and 2 countries (I'm southern. Why leave God's country...)
That's not growing up, that's torture!! How could you ever be fleeced by a televangelist??
Must be a female thing.
So, why don't you start reading your poems to us??
Thanks for sharing:)
Nice!!! mmm apple pie! beautiful pic! and the no TV explains why you are so creative ( and talented, of course).
most interesting. thanks for sharing.
i HATE reading aloud and have lived in two countries without moving an inch :)
What a great list! Love these little glimpses...
Hey, I grew up w/out TV too! Wonder how many of us bloggers that would be true of?
Sky, no, not military. I moved a lot as a kid, and several times as an adult... so lived in the Midwest, New England, Pacific and Rocky Mountain West, briefly in California, and then England, France, and briefly in Ireland.
Marja-Leena, they are tasty, too!
M. Shahin, it's nice to see you here. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit.
Pat, oh they were found and disappeared again! I'll have to bake another pie. I think I'm glad to have avoided televangelism, frankly. Nope, I disagree with you, I think the label thing has more to do with an interest in graphic design. I'll think about it!
Michelle, the trick to choosing on the basis of a label is to always make sure that whatever is inside is just as good as the label! Glad to find someone else who reads aloud a lot.
Mermaid, thanks. This was challenging because I don't find myself all that interesting!
rdl, it's true that I spent my time doing creative things for the most part. A little boredom is a good thing for a kid, I believe.
Polona, I think there are few people who could make that claim! I wonder how that was for you.
Pauline, thanks!
Dave, or conversely, how many who grew up without TV are now bloggers... Somehow, it doesn't surprise me to learn this of you.
The photo is gorgeous and everything fits!
Thankyou for sharing.
Bet the pie was good:)
Great responses - you have left us all wanting more information :)
Mouthwatering apples and intriguing tidbits!
Now that we have an entree to ask questions: how did you become a singer? How did you meet up with your wonderful group? On your excellent album Bliss, did The Heard write all the songs? (I've listened to this album a great many times.)
(I could go on with lots more music-related questions, but I'll spare you! I was a singer in my youth, so am very interested in other music-makers.)
Love the light on those apples.
Becca, I'm glad you find it so!
HHB, yeah, it was delicious. I need to bake another. There are more apples... ;-)
Endment, thanks for taking an interest.
Bitterroot, there are many ways to tell the story, but I began to learn to sing when I was 15 with my mother's help. The band members met each other through the wives (not mine, obviously, but the others' — another long story)... through work and classes we had in common. Yes, the songs are all original, written by one us. We play only our original music. I'm glad you are enjoying the cd. Your photo on Qarrtsiluni is beautiful!
I'm a Cox's orange pippin man normally, but those green apples might just have turned me!
We still do not have A TV!
Packaging sings to me too.
I enjoyed your meme.
As addicted to television as I am music and words...sorry!
I'm working on the same meme. Loved this.
I loved those green apples.Can I have one?
Dick, I'm not familiar with Cox's orange pippins! But then there are so many local varietals. I'm sure they're delicious. These happen to be Granny Smiths. Perfect for pies and sharp cheeses.
Corey, we do have a TV now, but I don't watch much. Yes, I would have guessed you'd be another who notices packaging!
Alan, I have a feeling that you think about what you watch, though.
Mary, can't wait to see yours!
Gautami Tripathy, of course you may! Help yourself! ;-)
Charlie, I love it when you wax philosophical. Just don't wax the apples, please. And not on TV, of course. ;-)
Beautiful, exquisite bowl of apples. I've never seen a prettier one.
I grew up watching TV, but found that I liked it for the alpha waves (or beta, I can never remember), but not for its content, which is always sorely lacking.
I don't like the phone, and really, I don't like to talk very much in person either.
Great meme, MB.
Robin Andrea, yup, those waves'll getcha! Some people don't need to say much to be heard. ;-) I'm glad you enjoyed this.
Your five things are a poem in themselves. And what about the leaves on your apple? They're magical.
Hi--I'm one of those bloggers who grew up without a TV--I'm addicted to reading instead! I wish my kids could share my enthusiasm...
I can and do talk on the phone for hours, but reading out loud is hard for me (I'm trying to practice, though).
Your apple picture is so sculptural, and the lighting is just perfect!
So, mb--are you realizing just how interesting you really are? (Or do we have to tell you, silly!)
Patry, those leaves were so pretty I couldn't take them off.
Firebird, I'm guessing your enthusiasm for reading and words rubs off in some way! The light inspired the photograph. I'm much more interested in other people, you know.
Darn it, I left a long and witty comment and Blogger comment-crashed when I went to publish.
Anyhow, of course was drawn here by the smell of apple pie, and will share a tiny tidbit in honor of the meme:
I played a sorta funny yet psychotic woman in Rick Linklater's "Slacker." When publicity stills with my pic appeared in newspapers, my parents started getting phone calls from relatives around the country nervously asking if I was alright...and my (maiden) name was misspelled in the credits.
Lori, great to see you back in circulation! You know, of course, which video I'm gonna have to go rent now one of these days!
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