Thursday, December 28, 2006

What is to give light

"What is to give light must endure burning"

— Victor Frankl

Click on the photo to see a larger version. The quote is thanks to Heron Dance.


Blogger snowsparkle said...

oh mb! your photo and frankl's words made my spirit leap! your and firebird's posts have made my day! thank you!

12/28/2006 11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, light and fire how they touch us deeply.

This morning we had brilliant sunshine and frost that made my hear sing, just like this photo. I think with our cloudy rainy days, we bless the sun's infrequent visits more than we do in the summer. And perhaps there's something of our ancient solstice traditions in our bones?

12/28/2006 11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/28/2006 11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even knowledge, mb, in shedding light, must burn. Ah, but when a lovely flame dies....

A glorious sun, a glorious light and a difficult shot to get without lens flare :o)

12/28/2006 1:47 PM  
Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

yes, and sparks do fly in between!

12/28/2006 2:17 PM  
Blogger Pat Paulk said...

I love this!!! Perfect match of photo and words.

12/28/2006 3:48 PM  
Blogger MB said...

Snowsparkle, glad to have made your day because that means I get some of the sparkle, too. ;-)

Marja-Leena, craving for light and fire runs strong at this time of year. This photo was taken earlier this fall before the thinning of the light.

Zhoen, thanks.

Charlie, there are so many ways for light to burn, it's true. When a lovely flame dies... then for a while we relish the sweet solace of the dark, balm to the soul and eye, until it becomes too much and then we're looking for the light again. Turn and turn about, yes? Oh, what's a little lens flare among friends?

Corey, sparks! Those little seeds of light and flame! Celestial bodies in miniature.

Pat, glad you thought so!

12/28/2006 4:36 PM  
Blogger MB said...

Of course, Charlie, I should have known.
Tears I cannot hide,
So I smile and say, when a lovely flame dies,
Smoke gets in your eyes

And oh, how that burns, too.

12/28/2006 4:49 PM  
Blogger leslee said...

Gorgeous photo, MB. The essence of dawn, it seems. Dawn on the range. :-) And interesting quote - I have to think about this...

12/28/2006 7:40 PM  
Blogger floots said...

absolutely gorgeous

12/28/2006 8:40 PM  
Blogger Yes said...

Wow! What a fabulous quote, very inspiring (especially for us firebirds...)

You have found a way to tame light to your bidding, in these photos, I am amazed (and inspired)--and the detail is so lovely when I click on the picture!

Love those rich and subtle colors!
You make a spare landscape so warm...

12/28/2006 10:23 PM  
Blogger Sky said...

your photography skills are as exquisite as your poetry, i do believe! what a lovely image, mb.

i so agree with your comment. when brightness gives way to darkness we find peace in the restful, calm environment. soon, however, we are seeking the light again. we did exactly that for those 10 long days and nights without power.

it is always about ebb and flow, isn't it?

12/28/2006 11:57 PM  
Blogger gracie said...

Stunning photograph and inspiring quote... I'm reading Victor Frankl at the moment but hadn't come across this line. Thank you mb... and warmest wishes of the season!

12/29/2006 12:35 AM  
Blogger Lori Witzel said...

Yow!!! A great thing seen with the heart, again. Your grasses look softer than mine -- I guess things are just a bit harsher here (or have more silica.)

And loved your "what's a little lens flare among friends" response to Charlie.

12/29/2006 3:44 AM  
Blogger mermaid said...

Sometimes burning is the only way to let love in or out, even if it means the death of something comforting. The light always holds a new promise.

I woke up to this, and I will carry it today like a bright torch.

12/29/2006 7:46 AM  
Blogger polona said...

wow! gorgeous photo and a perfect quote!

12/29/2006 8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You remind me of a few pages in the old book "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass, where he writes of tapasia-- a straightening by fire. It's about the internal struggle with desire, and the resulting friction that makes the fire of enlightenment.

Beautiful photograph.

12/29/2006 9:25 AM  
Blogger Richard Lawrence Cohen said...

A saying to keep in mind -- and I love the previous two posts too. They make a gallery of visual images whose variety holds together as a unity. The haiku is a perfect caption.

12/29/2006 10:14 AM  
Blogger MB said...

Leslee, thanks. The photo is actually of a sunset. I've not yet successfully determined the difference in the light of a sunrise or a sunset. I have theories, but haven't been able to find any backing for them! ;-) But whether dawn or dusk, points of transition are somehow compelling.

Floots, thank you!

Firebird, I find it a very thought-provoking statement. I'm glad you enjoy the photos. It is the light that warms the stark land.

Sky, ebb and flow, precisely: the rhythms repeat. As I see your power outage did — I was sorry to hear that. December is a difficult time for such vagaries. I wish you patience — I know I'd need it!

Gracie, Victor Frankl can be intense stuff. Warm wishes to you, too. Thank you.

Lori, having never been down your way, I'm not sure if our grasses are softer or not. They're *not* particularly soft when dry like this. The light — particularly of this golden cast — softens everything.

Mermaid, may that bright torch warm your spirit!

Polona, so glad you enjoyed it!

Robin Andrea, thank you. I had not heard of tapasia.

Richard, "...whose variety holds together as unity" — thanks. They weren't particularly intended that way, but I am glad you saw it. A landscape in all its variety still speaks with one voice.

12/29/2006 12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to that!
What a beautiful photo!

12/29/2006 2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the photos and inspirational words. I needed that! : )

12/29/2006 6:32 PM  
Blogger rdl said...


12/29/2006 7:15 PM  
Blogger Patry Francis said...

The photo didn't show up for me, but I loved Frankl's words. Will come back later and see if the image is back.

Merry 2007, MB!

12/30/2006 8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish you a happy new year, mb. i wish you health and happiness and much continued creativity. and, most of all, i thank you.

tra la la :o)

12/31/2006 12:04 PM  
Blogger polona said...

mb, i wish you much happiness and success in 2007!

12/31/2006 2:12 PM  
Blogger MB said...

Britt-Arnhild, thank you!

Createlight, welcome. I'm glad you found something of interest here.

rdl, ;-)

Patry, sorry the image didn't show up for you. No clue why it didn't. Merry 2007 to you, too!

Lee, thanks. My best to you and yours as well!

Charlie, I am echoing your wishes right back to you! Thanks for your friendship. Happy 2007, may it be replete with tra la las!!

Polona, thank you. I wish you the very same! ;-)

12/31/2006 6:35 PM  
Blogger Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Such warmth a truly gorgeous picture

1/03/2007 10:33 AM  
Blogger MB said...

Thank you, Sue.

1/04/2007 9:48 AM  

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