Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Meme: 5 Things

I discovered the other day that Jean of this too tagged me last week when I wasn't looking. I enjoyed reading her post and some other lists of "5 things you might not know about me." I was taken with Marja-Leena's story about her childhood artist's garret. It reminds me of the cozy cedar closet I had when I was five. My mother hung a little lamp inside and, in its pool of yellow light, I sat in a chair sized just for me, reading for hours at a time.

Five childhood memories:

1. Lying in bed in Paris, feverishly ill for two weeks, green wine bottles filled with hot water lining the bed underneath the sheets for warmth.

2. Two of us making elf dinners out of lichen and moss pollen, served on acorn caps, among the Vermont boulders not far from the bubbling, foamy creek.

3. Swallowing a friend's red Barbie doll shoe. I was just rolling it around on my tongue and next thing I knew it was gone. Vanessa wanted it back. She didn't get it back.

4. The priest — the imposing, huge one who drove a motorcycle with black cassock billowing out behind him — who got me interested in learning Hebrew.

5. Eating an open-faced peanut butter sandwich topped with jam and a bee. Ow.

If you'd like to be tagged for this meme, consider it done. Just let us know in the comments that you'll be responding.


Blogger Jean said...

Perfect small images in words, and what a sweet, sweet photo! thank you.

1/31/2007 10:59 AM  
Blogger Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Ah so you got got too Russel tagged me-yours is almost a poem it's so lovely

1/31/2007 11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, you were such a pretty child, MB (and still are as an adult, from what I've seen in one single photo). Love your memories, they are happy and humorous. Thanks for sharing.

By the way, a couple of my comments in the past little while never made it through Blogger - so hope this one does.

1/31/2007 1:57 PM  
Blogger Pat Paulk said...

You sure have some strange "favorite things to eat. Most interesting!!

1/31/2007 2:07 PM  
Blogger polona said...

you really had a most interesting diet in your childhood years :)
enjoyed your meme.

1/31/2007 2:46 PM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

Glad to see you are back and sharing your memories. Hope you are feeling well, mb.

1/31/2007 5:03 PM  
Blogger MB said...

Jean, I'm glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for the impetus.

Sue, yours is very funny!

Marja-Leena, thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the memories. Your garret story got me going!

Pat, favorite things to eat? I didn't even start on that!

Michelle, yes, and I have done my share. Fortunately, all pretty benign compared to some people!

Polona, now, now... only one of those items was itentionally ingested. And it wasn't the bee!

Robin Andrea, thanks. I still tire easily, but am continuing to get stronger. Thanks for thinking of me.

1/31/2007 5:31 PM  
Blogger leslee said...

That is a sweet photo! Wonderful of your mother to set you up in your own little artist's garret. Nice collection of memories.

1/31/2007 5:41 PM  
Blogger Patrick M. Tracy said...

Hey MB,

Just checking in after a long time away. I liked your five memories--very evocative. I'm sorry to hear that you were ill. I hope you feel better now. I'll have to go back and read what you've been up to.

1/31/2007 5:54 PM  
Blogger alan said...

Glad you found your way here again!

I can't imagine being an adult in Paris, let alone a child!


2/01/2007 12:05 AM  
Blogger Sky said...

quite interesting vignettes. :)

would love to know more about your life abroad one day. welcome back - glad to read your words beneath that precious face framed in blonde curls. adorable.

2/01/2007 12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a doll!

Who even swallowed a shoe!

Great story telling in your meme!!

2/01/2007 12:46 PM  
Blogger Bitterroot said...

Elf dinners! I love it! I am always seeing elf and gnome and fairy houses in the woods.

These are delightful glimpses into little facets of MB.

2/01/2007 7:14 PM  
Blogger Pod said...

how funny. i never swallowed a shoe, bit u have chewed many heels.......see.
loved the elf dinners thing. i would do that ;0)

2/02/2007 1:03 PM  
Blogger Pauline said...

MB - you could write a version of the Princess and the Wine Bottles. Had to laugh at Vanessa NOT getting her Barbie shoe back. Posting my own 5 tomorrow morning - glad you're feeling better!

2/02/2007 1:19 PM  
Blogger Endment said...

What a delightful response to this meme - Your life hasn't been boring :)

Glad you are beginning to feel better!!!

2/02/2007 1:32 PM  
Blogger MB said...

Leslee, my mother did some wonderful things, and that cozy reading nook was one of them.

Firehawk, thanks. Nice to hear from you. I'll come catch up with you, too.

Alan, if you ever have the opportunity, I recommend the experience. It's very different from here! ;-)

Sky, glad you found these memories of interest!

Corey, chubby cheeks are a good place to tuck a little plastic shoe, I'm afraid!

Bitterroot, me too! Those elf dinners are among my favorite memories. I still make them with my child.

Pod, welcome! Your heel-chewing story is very funny. Kids do the strangest things, eh?

Pauline, I'm looking forward to reading your five! Thanks.

Endment, actually parts of my life have been terribly boring, but only parts! Thank you.

2/02/2007 6:46 PM  
Blogger rdl said...

I enjoyed reading yr. 5. and I was just thinking today it's time for a meme.

2/03/2007 3:10 PM  
Blogger snowsparkle said...

oh mb! between the photo of you and these marvelous vignettes... i am grinning ear to ear and giggling inside. you are the best storyteller! thank you!

2/04/2007 9:31 PM  
Blogger MB said...

rdl, I will keep an eye out for yours, then! How fun!

Snowsparkle, glad you got a kick out them. Thanks!

2/06/2007 3:36 PM  
Blogger Fire Bird said...

Yeah, me, I'm doing it, I'm considering myself tagged...

2/08/2007 5:29 AM  
Blogger gracie said...

I'm late arriving here... but just had to say WOW to your unique recollections!!! They are incredibly enticing (particularly the priest!) and leave me wanting to know more...

2/13/2007 12:48 AM  
Blogger MB said...

Tall girl, great! I'll come and look.

Gracie, better late than not at all. I'm glad you enjoyed these little memories.

2/14/2007 3:19 PM  

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