Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Under the morning

Under the morning’s overcast sky, brilliant scraps, wind-blown, caught against the branches, against the wet green leaves, bits of yellow, orange, fluttering, quietly, open, folded, open again, wings, feathers, petals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice match of feathers and flowers!

5/28/2008 11:28 AM  
Blogger Zhoen said...

You always make me sigh, and leave me wordless.

5/28/2008 11:32 AM  
Blogger mermaid said...

Thank you for taking me there.

5/28/2008 2:08 PM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

Only Western Tanager I've seen all spring, among your beautiful flowers. The colors are so sunny warm.

5/28/2008 5:40 PM  
Blogger Ruahines said...

Kia ora MB,
Always look forward to your poems and photos. Always such interesting contrasts. My favourite is the bird amongst the pines, with the desidious green in the background. Lovely. Kia ora!

5/28/2008 7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous post, words and images. That bird is exquisite, what is it (I'm from England, so don't have a clue).

5/29/2008 3:30 AM  
Blogger Dale said...

Lovely. (A western tanager, Jo.)

5/29/2008 12:56 PM  
Blogger MB said...

Thanks, everyone. Yes, Robin and Dale got it -- these are western tanagers. Aren't they delightful? A flock of them comes passing through here every spring and I always count myself lucky to catch them as they do. They're among my favorites. Breathtaking to watch them fill the trees in my yard, as if all the roses and poppies were suddenly blooming in the trees!

Robb, that's my favorite shot, too. It's a ponderosa pine, with bark that smells of butterscotch. I understand that while you have evergreen trees, you don't have pines, or at least not native ones? You have deciduous evergreens, is that correct?

5/29/2008 1:08 PM  
Blogger Sky said...

i have never seen the western tanager...what a treat it must be. these are beautiful images, indeed.

5/29/2008 6:04 PM  
Blogger Lucy said...

Found me a yellow bird!

5/30/2008 5:55 AM  
Blogger Mireille said...

You are lucky to can see and photograph this beautiful yellow bird...and this series of yellow photos is really superb...bravo

5/30/2008 11:50 AM  
Blogger Ruahines said...

Tena Koe MB,
Yes, I believe that is true. We have huge forests of planted pine for harvesting, but not native. Some types of pine were planted in various ranges, particularly the Kawekas and some outer parts of the Ruahines, to prevent erosion. They quickly spread and are now considered as noxious. Have a great day.

5/30/2008 4:48 PM  
Blogger MB said...

Sky, they really are a treat.

Lucy, this time you did!

Mireille, j'ai eu de bonne chance, c'est vrai!

Robb, what a fascinating place this earth is, in all its beauty and variety! Kia ora!

5/30/2008 5:42 PM  
Blogger leslee said...

Oh, so beautiful! Definitely a bird not seen here in the Northeast. (She says after checking her field guide. Well, we apparently have scarlet tanagers. Not ones like yours!)

5/30/2008 6:22 PM  
Blogger Lori Witzel said...

Wow, flocks of tanagers? Woooo!!! And in a ponderosa pine, one of my scent-memories of Flagstaff Arizona.

*happy sigh*

I saw a flock of cardinals (aka "redbirds" to some of the non-birder local folks here) a few years ago that reminded me of wild poppies somehow sky-borne. How lucky to see these things, eh?

5/31/2008 9:42 PM  
Blogger mm said...

Lovely, MB, just lovely.

6/01/2008 2:37 PM  
Blogger Patry Francis said...

I love the title of your post, the invitation to look more deeply into morning. And look what you show us!

6/03/2008 4:49 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Have never seen one of these - how absolutely beautiful!

6/14/2008 5:24 PM  
Blogger Ruahines said...

Tena Koe MB,
I keep coming back to olook at that photo and imagine the smell of butterscotch. Kia ora.

6/17/2008 3:19 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

my my... a beautiful poet you are!

6/20/2008 7:46 AM  
Blogger MB said...

I'm afraid I've misled you all. The birds were landing in the ponderosa, but that particular photo's actually of the pine on the other side of the yard. I think it's a Scotch pine.

6/25/2008 2:10 PM  

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