Moon music

like notes from a far horn
forlorn and slow
white egrets flow to and fro
below the setting sun
one settles on a limb
its slim silhouette
above the wet and heaving way
is charcoal grey, a stark
mark on the bright end of day
where we stray, far and late
we wait for the water's shift
watching it lift and sigh
like the shifting cries of settling birds
heard through the darkening air
and look, there comes the gibbous moon,
due soon to swell full,
it pulls the changing tide
it slides across the water's darkness
slipping under us and the boat
like a lone note from a far horn
I see the snow has gone. Lovely blue sky in your photograph. Just now gigantic icicles are detonating outside my door.
In the past week I wrote a poem with the words "horn and "forlorn." Hard to think of that winding note without reaching for "forlorn."
love the way the internal rhyme acts as a kind of rhythmic onomatopoeia for the theme
I had to look up Floots $2.50 word, but it definitely fits. Wonder what station I can pick "moon music" up on?? Fantastic poem!!
Hey MB. Just stopping by to say hello.
The smooth tone and rhythm of this poem are perfect for the subject.
David Garnet
A silent song, but so delicate and sensitive...
Lyrical, needs a sad minor key melody to float on.
I saw a bluebird today and thought of you.
I love the "notes from a far horn"--so evocative of the feeling I get when egrets appear--so unearthly...
I love the final stanza, evoking pregnancy and birth, and all the s s.
the repetition of the first line is so beautifully haunting
Every word touching my soul...
You are amazing!
Wow, it's so pretty. I really enjoy the rhyme here, and that's unusual for me. I'm usually not at all impressed with end-rhymes, and you did it well enough that I found it very lyrical and flowing. I never detected a "forced" rhyme in here.
I like opening and closing the poem with the same line, as well. It provides a continuity and circularity that works with this piece.
I think that the moon
Deserves a bassoon
But not a tromboon
Or saxophoon.
Bluebirds - not so easy to find. But lovely when they turn up unexpectedly. yes I like the internal rhymes too. Very clever.
Nice poem.
I've noticed something I didn't before. In your poems, nature marks time, and sets the wanderer on his/her path again.
Thank you.
MB- can I snag something from your blog for the Ringing of the Bards carnival? If you don't have a particular preference I'll just link whatever's at the top by the end of next week-- let me know at
There I was, having quite lovely thoughts about how to weave French Horns into a suitably elegiac comment, when Charlie just cracked me up.
Now all I can think of is "French Horoon."
Just the right shade of blue in your picture.
Beautiful words follow it...
This work is very good, thank you
Good week for you
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