Adhesive capsulitis

Such a simple thing
to ask that an arm move the
way it is meant to
but each day brings more
hard work of moving what still
does not want to move.
Like scar tissue stretched
taut and short, this shoulder has
been a pinioned wing
held tightly down for
aching months of silence. Now
it lifts just enough.
My arm can again
wrap over the guitar and
fingers reach the strings—
patterns of quickfire
celebration — sweet release —
today, this arm sings!
Click on the photo for a larger version.
bird wing mended for the song sparrow... wonderful imagery! sorry to hear you've been suffering with a shoulder problem. glad it's getting better.
Sent this to my D who had broken elbow, two surgeries, six months of pt, and was so happy the first eight bars he could play on his guitar.
As always, such lovely writing merged with image. As one who suffers shoulder problems too, I empathize. Such joy to be able to make music again, hope it keeps on getting better, MB!
Pleased to see your creativity isn't frozen too, mb :o)
Sounds painful, but I like the poem.
i'm glad your shoulder is getting better, mb!
a lovely poem to celebrate the newly acquired freedom!
have you tried an osteopath?
You make music in so many ways!
The pain and suffering that go into writing such beautiful poetry. Just think of all the noise we could make if all of us who tickle the ivories, strum the strings, and blow the sweet notes of a flute got together.
Wonderful image of wings and music. Glad to know that your pain has lifted and that your arms and hands sing again with your guitar.
The symbolism of movement, or playing life's tune is powerful.
My thoughts are with you.
My heart sang for you, just reading your words!
So happy for you!! Enjoy!
Snowsparkle, thanks.
Zhoen, it is a fine feeling to have a pleasurable ability return.
Marja-Leena, thank you. I trust it will continue to improve.
Charlie, thanks for cheering me on.
Michelle, as much as I can, I will.
Dave, it is, but I got a poem out of it.
Polona, thanks very much.
Pod, thanks for your concern. I'm in the hands of a capable therapist who is helping me make progress.
Pauline, I certainly try.
Pat, wouldn't that be fun!
Robin Andrea, unfortunately I'm far from pain free. Ten minutes was all I could take of holding that guitar for now. But I'll gratefully receive my progress as it comes — it's so much more than I could do a week ago.
Mermaid, the symbolism is very powerful and an aspect of this that I've been exploring. Thank you very much.
Alan, your joyful response lifts me. Thanks.
MB, I am really in awe of the way you use word imagery to crystallize experience from the abstract to the concrete. Phrases like a pinioned wing and honesty, you snake stop me in my tracks to see things in a whole different way.
Also amazing: your output of this elegant language! Almost every day!
I am happy that the shoulder is making progress.
I hear the music in the last verse when at last you can play again. How sweet success is when you were stripped of a dream for a while and exerted all your effort to reach it. Kudos!
oh no not you too! glad it's on the mend.
glad to hear you're better
to hear it in such a form
really liked this
i can almost hear the guitar
very nice! I enjoyed it.
I had similar thoughts after I dislocated my right elbow. It is fuuly well now and I am very happy about that fact. It healed well.
Many hugs to you. It needs time.
Oh this so captures the pain and then the joy of healing!
Bitterroot, thank you very much, such nice things you say. The shoulder continues to make progress.
Vagabond, you got it. Stripped is how it felt. Stolen. Now returned.
rdl, yes indeed. Most unexpected.
Floots, thanks, much appreciated.
j. andrew, thank you!
Gautami, I'm glad your elbow is well heeled. ;-) It will take time, you're right. And patience, of which I'm in short supply.
Fred, thanks, friend, that's the essence.
a pinioned wing and its first note. I remember it well. you are the biz mb!!! may there be many more notes.
Ruth, thank you so much. I'll bet you do remember that first note! While I still have a long way to go before this is healed, your story gives me much faith and hope.
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