"There’s no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves."
— Frank Herbert
"As the soft yield of water cleaves obstinate stone,
So to yield with life solves the insoluble."
— Lao-tzu
"We could say the universe is made of possibilities, not atoms."
— Muriel Rukeyser
I have meant to ask you before...is the category "owl feathers" used here to identify these types of posts as "blessings" or words which have the potential to change our lives (in the sense that Native Americans view owl feathers)?
I love Lao Tzu. We used poetry from the Tao Te Ching in our wedding text.
Sky, after six months, I think you are the first person to ask about this. The category of owl feathers is meant simply to distinguish the writing of others from that of my own ("a few feathers dropped"). Of course, they are bits I find meaningful for one reason or another. What use others put them to (or not) is up to them.
What a beautiful photo. And I love the first quote in particular - goes with the photo, and it gives such a visceral or sensual way of explaining how to find balance.
yes, the universe is made up of infinite possibilities.. both exhilarating and scary at the same time when you think about it :).. it always gives me pleasure to be reading your posts :)..
this wonderful quote keeps coming back to me, mb, about the water cleaving the stone. I think you wrote it on my and J's blogs, and every time it is cool and fresh and a beautiful way to start the day. wonderful photo. ps Go see 'The New World'
3 wonderful thoughts, but right now the 1st is the one that speaks to my heart...the one I need to work on!
Thank you!
really, really nice quotes, thanks.
I love the way the three quotes build on one another.
Just the benediction I needed for the morning. Thank you.
Loved the first one.
"feel the waves" to find balance ... perfect, if I remember to take the time to do it!
Thanks, all, for your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed these bits.
;) i know why you call them 'owl feathers'...and they are wonderful.
yeah? ;-)
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