in the western sky
hangs a juicy apricot
waiting to be picked
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Rafting 80 miles of river through the heart of the largest Wilderness in the lower 48 states:flying, like in my dreams, low over forested ridges and lakes in a tiny plane, plumes of smoke rising in the distance from wildfires...
sudden, steeply banked and vertiginous 180 degree turn, down into the narrow canyon, landing smoothly on a stretch of sandy soil beside the river...
beauty of undulating, rugged rock and river under sunny blue skies with wisps of white cloud...
sleeping alone in the darkness as temperatures sink below freezing...
meditating on peaceful stretches between wild whitewater rapids...
sunlight yellow-gold in bright green grass...
flashing trout moving through glass-like water among brown riverstones...
kingfisher on the hunt, plummeting like a stone from green bush into green river...

mood lighting from the intense smoke of a wildfire, a "sunset" at 4 pm (top photo)...
receding arcs of tree-lined ridges in fading shades of pale grey smoke (above)...
waking in a moonless night to the acrid smell of choking smoke...
the constant sound of rushing water in my dreams...
the shock of sudden cold water falling across my body...
burrowing cold, wet, bare feet into dry, sunwarmed sand...
slight sulphur smell of a hot spring pool nestled in the rock...

rock paintings made from oxides, blood and fat, still there after several hundred years...
cliffs bearing sideways flower gardens, trees growing from cracks in the wall...
veil of water falling hundreds of feet onto the rock floor below...
bear tracks on the beaches in detail down to the claws...

bighorn mountain sheep running down the precipitous cliffside...
two huge golden eagles appearing suddenly from around a bend in the river, flying low overhead, headed up canyon, something clutched in the talons...
mink scurrying among the white rocks of the riverbank...

waking to rain with miserably cold temperatures and snow on the hills...
laughing to keep warm...
the scream of an osprey ricocheting off the cliff walls...
watching the boat dip and spin over churning white and green waters...
ripple, curl and foam of a translucent ribbon stretched like blown glass...