I've been tagged by
leslee for another meme.
accent: hard to pinpoint
booze: red, bourbon
chore I hate: cleaning the tub and poop patrol
dogs/cats: one border collie is plenty
essential electronics: computer, scanner, stereo, sound equipment
favorite perfume/cologne: Beautiful by Estee Lauder
gold/silver: and/or
hometown: where I live now
insomnia: it's inevitable if I drink more than one cup of coffee in the morning
job title: which one? graphic designer, editor, musician, writer, mother...
kids: one
living arrangements: very comfortable, thank you
most admired trait: creativity and lovingness
number of sexual partners: ahem!
overnight hospital stays: last was for the birth of my child
phobia: crossing on logs over rushing water
quote: "Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new." — Ursula K. LeGuin
religion: raised Episcopalian
siblings: one brother, two sisters
time I usually wake up: 7-7:30 am
unusual talent: I've been told I have a great telephone voice
vegetable I refuse to eat: lima beans
worst habit: would have to be either not finishing what I start or not getting started
x-rays: lots of one foot and the other ankle
yummy foods I make: arroz con mariscos, rhubarb gobbler, pizza, strawberry-spinach salad, grilled chicken with adobo sauce, basil pesto, mango salsa, oh heck you know it's all good
zodiac sign: taurus
tagging: Brenda,
snowsparkle ... and anyone else who cares to join in. Let me know if you do it!